Você está lendo XXX Maiden - Capítulo 1

1. Mizugiwa Sabotage (Slacking Off by the Water's Edge)
2. Miko Miko
3. Shijima no Naka de (Swathed in Silence)
4. Halloween Daisakusen (Operation Halloween)
5. Idol-tori Masker? (Want an Idol (Photo) Master?)
6. Love Quartet
7. Smells Like Taisou-bu! (Smells Like Gymnastics Club!)
8. Boku to Kanojo to Natsuyasumi (Me, Her, & Summer Vacation)
9. Momoiro Koukishin (Pink Curiosity)
10. Kokoro Yurayure (Wavering Heart)
11. Hapu Eve (Eventful Eve)
12. Youkoso! Kaikan Kaigan (Welcome to Pleasure Beach!)
13. Anniversary! (Annibrosary)
14. Shoukoujo (Requital Lady)
15. Kimi wa Boku no Hikarimono (You're My Shooting Star)
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